By your side I would always stand !!



Through tears and fights,
Through smiles, I knew everything
Would be alright,
Through love and hate,
Through betrayal and debate,
For you I would always have faith,
Being yours as well as your
Best friend I knew
This friendship wouldn't end,
By your side I would always stand
And you'll stand by mine too,
Because that's what best friends do,
So no matter what happens with us
In life,
Through all of the wrongs
And all of the rights,
I'm here for you to be a best friend that's true,
Cause I love you and that's what
Best friends do.

Just For You ::>> Amrutha

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Telugu For You !!

.:: MyHeart ::.

 .::"Where words come out from the depth of MyHeart !"::.
mworld .::MK::.
 . : : " The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected " : : .